Friday, September 18, 2009


My friend got scary news.

I just want to remember to be grateful for my family and for every day. I feel so, so very grateful to have such a beautiful, loving, funny and supportive husband and the most gorgeous son on the planet (no offense to other mothers of sons, but he is).

I'm grateful that my parents are close by and that Aidan is always surrounded by family, love and laughter, and I'm especially grateful that he's going to have a little cousin to play with (the secret's out!) and that I get to be an aunt.

I'm grateful that the sun's shining today, and that I'm able to have this and other Fridays with Aidan. In fact, I'm grateful for the choices I'm afforded on a daily basis.

I just want to remember to be grateful.


Susan said...

And I'm grateful for you and your beautiful family, too! Much love to all of you, and to your friend by association.

Ambley said...
