Thursday, July 1, 2010

"I look like a pirate!"

This morning my beautiful boy had a fight with the tub and lost.  When we left for school this morning it was pretty swolen and he was not a happy boy:
(He normally doesn't get a bink except at night when he grinds his teeth, but as my sis said earlier, he probably could've gotten a puppy today if he'd asked.)

By the time I picked him up tonight, it was even more swollen, though obviously much perkier:

We got home, and he saw a mirror.  I was afraid he might be startled, but he thought it was cool, hence the quote.  It's now 12 hours past the incident, and he looks much better - you can see maybe half his eye.  I realize that this is a tiny injury in the light of eternity, but ugh.  Won't our July 4th pictures be adorable this year?

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