Thursday, March 15, 2012

I will not try to top this next year

Aidan is five.

That would be enough for an entry - it's big.

But it's been quite a birthday week.  Started with a party on Sunday, a pool party with 17 of his friends.  It was fantastic - we went to a rec center, and even though it was March 11, we rode over in shorts and flip flops - amazing.  The kids had a blast and played great together, the parents all loved it, the timing worked out, the food showed up - AND there were more presents than one child can mentally process.  It was great.  But that wasn't all.

The night before his birthday, he and I had pizza with our dear friend Lori and then spent the night with my folks and my sister's family (which includes his favorite sister).  How awesome is that?  But that wasn't all.

At 8:15, a fire truck pulled into my folks' driveway, there to drive him to school.  His little friend Addison came over and rode with him, and her brother and Audrey (cousin) got to get into the truck and look around.  I gave my seat to my dad, who might've been the most excited about the whole thing.  The truck went to Aidan's school, and I rode in my car behind.  When we got to the school, all of the kids were outside waiting for him, clapping.  He got out of the truck, and my dad said that people should sing, so the whole school sang Happy Birthday to him.  Aidan, Addison and Dad sat on the front of the truck for pictures, and then each class got to stand in front of the truck for their pictures.  Even the babies in their wagons got to walk around and see the flashing lights. 

It was amazing from so many angles - Addison's mom was crying (as was I) because it was so special.  The teachers all thought it was amazing, the kids were awed, my dad was beyond.  Even the firemen benefitted - they said that they'd never done this before, other than VIPs in parades.  One had been on the force over 30 years and was never able to give his parents or kids a ride.  He came to work having a bad day, and he said the kids completely brightened his day.  He felt special when the kids said he was a hero, which he said he rarely hears.

Best $150 ever spent - we got it from a charity auction, and even better is that the money went to buy prom dresses (and accessories, shoes, bling, even hair and makeup) for girls who wouldn't be able to have them otherwise, to make them feel beautiful and special and magical.

Excellent week.

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