Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"Mommy, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Gnocchi, but you can have yours plain, without sauce."

"Why we are eating Pinnochio for dinner? Why he is plain?"

Monday, December 13, 2010

the exact moment I knew Disney was a different experience for Aidan

We were in Orlando last week. I thought it would be fun to watch him, as the line between reality and imagination is so incredibly blurry right now. I had no idea.

There's a Buzz Lightyear ride, which was bound to be popular. He loves, loves Buzz. You ride through, shoot lasers at targets and eliminate the evil emperor Zerg. He was so happy that he was bouncing up and down. He took a nap right after the ride, and we had a few minutes to kill. I asked him whether he wanted to ride again, and he kind of shrugged and said, "No." I asked him why and he said, "At the end of the ride, Buzz told me I did a great job and he took the evil emperor Zerg to jail. We're done."